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 Zunami white - Founder

Nutritionist - Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine
Beauty Therapist - Advanced I.T.E.C Certificate of Aesthetics & Physiatrics

I started Niramaya Holistic Health in 2019 to combine my love of helping and healing people in their everyday lives together with my love of nature, the environment and the spiritual world to create a truely alternative holistic way to live. My goal is to provide the ingredients and the tools to support a holistic lifestyle where self love and self nurture are the heart.

About: About


The Business

Niramaya provides a full range of products to support our body, our mind and our spirit. In everything we do, ethics, sustainability, environmental protection and cultural respect are at the core of every decision resulting in a truely holistic connection between nurture for ourselves and the spaces we live in.



Our stunning range of natural skin and hair care, soaps & salts, balms and blends are handcrafted from the finest ingredients as nature intended. All of the incredible herbs and botanicals used at Niramaya are 100% organic.

Aroma has the ability to set any mood in any space and are an integral part of holistic self nurture. At Niramaya, we believe that the soft scent and gentle glow of a candle or a fragrant melt warming in a burner are just as important to your wellbeing as a good skin care regime. We have developed a range of crystal infused melts, candles and diffusers using 100% eco soy wax and natural fragrances to ensure your home is healing not harmful.

Even the gorgeous packaging always has our planet in mind. From glass jars and fully compostable bags through to shipping materials, you can rest assured that your purchase has left the smallest footprint possible.



At Niramaya we have collected a stunning range of healing crystals to surround yourself with amazing and supportive energies. Each piece is carefully hand selected, as ethically sourced as possible and priced with every budget in mind. To discover the full range please be welcomed to join one of 3 live shows on Facebook each week with Zunami White. Visit Niramaya Crystals on Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays at 7pm in melbourne (AEST).



There are many ways we can support our mind and spirit and everyones journey and perspective is individual.  Niramaya has selected a range of metaphysical items to support those personal needs. There is something for everyone. Whether you follow witchcraft, enjoy incense, find support in a self-help book, love pulling an oracle or tarot card, use a journal, find solace in cooking, Niramaya has just the thing for you or perhaps the perfect gift for someone you love. Explore the extensive range of books, cards, altar tools and accessories, all your witchcraft needs, ethically sourced smudging materials, incense, resins and our 35 organic herbs and botanicals.


Herbal Treatment
About: Mission
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