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"Small moments of self nurture
add up to create a big life of self love" 

- Zunami White


Product Page: Text

Corrynne's Soap

  • About

    These soap's are lovingly hand-crafted in Western Australia from the purest, high quality ingredients with a sustainable focus.

    Free from nasties, Corrynne's soaps create a soft and nourishing cleansing lather whilst immersing you in an incredible scent experiece that lasts until the very end of the bar.

  • **A word from Zunami

    I have been using Corrynne's soap since its inception in the late 90's when I discovered them at my local Fremantle markets. These little bars of delicious indulgence were my first true understanding of self-nurture and became the symbol of that, leading me to where I am today. 

    I couldn't be more thrilled to have come full circle and now share this treat with you from my very own self-nurture shop nearly 30 years later.

    You won't regret trying the Corrynne's experience. Choosing is the hard part, they are sooooooooo good.

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